Game Studies and the Philosophy of Games


Open seminar, Bergen, 25. November 10.00 – 17.00
Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen

uib studentsenteret

10:00 Rune Klevjer Introduction
10:15 Espen Aarseth The Game Studies Diaspora: how to study games in 2020.
Andreas Lindegaard Gregersen Social, social everywhere: Is autonomous game studies possible and/or desirable?
11:45 Pål Antonsen Self-location and interactive fictions
John Richard Sageng Conceptual Analysis and the Study of Games
14:00 Siw Othilie Haugen Phenomenology and Computer Games
Sebastian Möring Playing is Caring – On existential structures of computer games
15:30 Anita Leirfall On Our Cognition of Real and Virtual Reality (Space)
Johnny Hartz Søraker Meaningfulness With(in) Games. On Finding Purpose With(out) Temporality, Efficacy and Life Story.


The seminar will be held at the Studentsenteret building, seminar room A.
Please contact Rune Klevjer at uib for inquiries.