The deadline for the next PCG-conference is fast approaching. Please submit your abstract!
Call for Papers: Values in Games
We hereby invite submissions to the 12th International Conference on the Philosophy of Computer Games, to be held in Copenhagen on August 13-14.
The theme of this year’s conference is “value in games”. The topic will connect central themes in the study of games, including questions about the importance of games in a human life, the ethical value of games, and the values communicated through games. For this conference, we invite papers that explore these and other aspects of value in games.
We welcome submissions on (but not limited to) the following questions:
- Can games contribute to a meaningful life?
- Is there a special value to games, distinct from other social practices?
- What is the value of difficulty, achievement, excellence, and skill in games
- What is the relationship of the artistic value of games to their other values?
- How do games transform the values that normally attach to activities outside the gaming context?
- Are games an integral part of ideal society?
- Can games contribute to an ethical life, and in what ways?
- How do games encode systems of values, especially in their mechanics and game-play? In particular, how might they encode biases and other problematic attitudes?
- How can the values in games be studied?
- What value might games have for thinking about issues of race, gender, and sexual and romantic orientation?
- How might we justify the inclusion or exclusion of transgressive content in games (violence, pornography, racism)?
- How do players relate to, resist, shape, or appropriate a game’s values?
In addition to papers that are directed at the main theme we invite a smaller number of papers in an “open” category.
Accepted papers will have a clear focus on philosophy and philosophical issues in relation to computer games. We strongly encourage references to specific examples from computer games, as well as reference to diversity of games and game types. We are especially interested in papers that aim to continue discussions from earlier conferences in this series.
Program Chair:
C. Thi Nguyen, Utah Valley University
Conference Chair:
Michael Debus, ITU
Program Committee:
Pawel Grabarczyk, Rune Klevjer, Anita Leirfall, Sebastian Möring, Stephanie Patridge, Jon Robson, John R. Sageng, Mark Silcox, Daniel Vella