Game: “HERE” – A New Attempt at ‘Playable Philosophy’

A couple of days ago we released to the public our newest and slightly ridiculous attempt to disclose philosophical notions and approaches in ways that are experiential and interactive (that is, in ways that are not exclusively linguistic).

This new attempt at ‘playable philosophy’ is titled “HERE” and can be freely accessed clicking on the link below:

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You might remember that last year we released “Something Something Soup Something” which playfully explores the limitations of analytical categories in a way that was inspired by Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Instead of focusing on soups and linguistics, “HERE” philosophically tackles the notion of indexicality. The players are challenged to engage with- (and be puzzled by-) what it means when the word “here” is used in a computer game… Or, rather, how many meanings of “here” can co-exist in a computer world.

Have fun! 🙂

Stefano from the Institute of Digital Games.