This is the public group that everyone is automatically subscribed to. It serves as a common email list for everyone. The forum is both open for discussions on subjects in philosophy/game studies as well as for conversations about matters more generally of interest to the members. A weekly summary of all activity will be sent out to all members, unless the user change his/her notification-settings.
Constantinos Miltiadis replied to the topic "Towards the Expanded Field" HDA Graz March 7-9 in the forum
Common Forum 7 years ago
poster is too large for attachment. Download here
Constantinos Miltiadis started the topic "Towards the Expanded Field" HDA Graz March 7-9 in the forum
Common Forum 7 years ago
Dear all,
I am sending to invite and inform you of a 3-day event I am organising at the Haus der Architektur, Graz (Austria), on the subject of media spatiotemporal environments and their aesthetic potential. The event includes talks, a VR exhibition with projects of my (architecture) students, performances of original spatial audio compositions…[Read more] -
John R. Sageng started the topic Email notification frequency for posts in public forum? in the forum
Common Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
This forum hasn’t really been used before, so I think that many people probably were surprised just now to learn they are on the forum. This is very good, because I had hoped for an active discussion here with time. And we might as well start now.
However, I got worried about spamming people with emails. I just turned notification to “weekly…[Read more]
John R. Sageng replied to the topic Organizing philosophical talks with people from the game industry at Todai in the forum
Common Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
Hello Frederic
This sounds interesting, but like Stefano I think it would be good to hear more about the event. At the very least, it must have clear philosophical content, as Stefano says in the form of philosophy of mind, phenomenology, philosophy of technology and so on.
Furthermore, you are new the network, so it would absolutely be best if…[Read more]
Stefano Gualeni replied to the topic Organizing philosophical talks with people from the game industry at Todai in the forum
Common Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
Dear Frederic, from the outline of your proposition it would appear that the involvement of the Game Philosophy Network would be
– purely nominal (there would not be any actual involvement apart from agreeing to letting you use the name), and
– not strictly relevant to the topic at hand (from your summary I infer that it will be a series of…[Read more] -
Frederic Seraphine started the topic Organizing philosophical talks with people from the game industry at Todai in the forum
Common Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
I was wondering if it would be possible to organize talks at Todai (and record them) with people from the Japanese game industry in the name of Game Philosophy Network?
The fact is, inviting people from the game industry at Todai might be difficult to do if I do it in the name of just one laboratory.
But doing it in the name of research…[
Siteadm started the topic System upgrade in the forum
Common Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
Just a notification that I will be upgrading the system in preparation for new boards and members, in case there are technical problems. Send an email to me (John) in case of problems.
John Richard Sageng started the topic Journal Name in the forum
Common Forum 9 years, 11 months ago
We are in the process of discussing a name for the new journal, and just for the fun of it, I thought I should put out a poll about it. The poll is not in any way binding, since the decision will be taken by the editorial board in a separate poll (if we use a poll at all). Still, it would be interesting to hear what people think.
John Richard Sageng replied to the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 9 years, 12 months ago
Juste a small note. There is a minor problem with the new PCG2015 forum, so we will make a new one and you can sign up for that one instead. (the forum does not work properly). I’m slowly identifying and getting the bugs out of the system. Sorry for that.
Sebastian Möring replied to the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 9 years, 12 months ago
Thanks for your replies. I suggest we take the discussion right over to the Program Committee 2015 group and continue the search for a topic there. So, I will add you, John and Patrick, to the group.
Everybody else who is willing to participate please press “request membership” next to the group in the group directory or drop me an email and I am…[Read more]
Patrick John Coppock replied to the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 10 years ago
Many thanks for your stirring call for participation in the organization team (OK from my side) and the thematic selection game Sebastian.
I agree with JR and Stephan that the “games and meaning” theme is a good one.
As for the fragmentation discussion I think it would be profitable to continue with our prior practice that also “off theme” but…[Read more]
John Richard Sageng replied to the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 10 years ago
Good idea to use the common forum for this discussion and thank you for initiating the work on the next conference. Keep in mind that this forum is open to the Internet. I volunteer for the PC. It is customary to have (at least) one representative from the organizing committee in the program committee. I assume that will be Stephan.
As for the…[Read more]
Siteadm replied to the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 10 years ago
Good idea to use the common forum for this discussion and thank you for initiating the work on the next conference. Keep in mind that this forum is open to the Internet. I volunteer for the PC. It is customary to have (at least) one representive from the organizing committee in the program committee. I assume that will be Stephan.
As for the…[Read more]
Sebastian Möring started the topic Program committee and topic for 2015 edition in the forum
Common Forum 10 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am very excited and honored to be the progam committee chair of the Philosophy of Computer Games conference 2015 in Berlin, particularly for three reasons:
1. My own career in games research is closely connected to this conference series (I have helped organize the conference in 2008, I have presented twice (2011 and 2014), and…[Read more] -
Andrea Majoran replied to the topic Welcome to all new members in the forum
Common Forum 10 years, 11 months ago
siteadm started the topic Welcome to all new members in the forum
Common Forum 10 years, 11 months ago
hope this reaches all.
Siteadm created the group
Public Common Discussion Forum 10 years, 11 months ago