Heidi Colthup



United Kingdom

Institutional affiliation

Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Kent



Research interests relevant to game philosophy

My research is currently concerned with Walking Simulators, their characteristics, and how we can analyse them as transmedia storytelling artefacts. I also teach digital media stylistics and come from a journalism background.

Publications and presentations relevant to game philosophy

‘“You were all the world like a beach to me” The use of second person address to create multiple storyworlds in literary video games: “Dear Esther”, a case study’
International Journal of Transmedia Literacy (IJTL) (Forthcoming)

Conference Papers
2018 ‘Why pretend to walk when you can pretend to read? Or, How can a Walking Simulator be a literary experience?’
English Literature and Creative and Professional Writing Research Day
Canterbury Christ Church University
2016 ‘“You were all the world like a beach to me” The use of second person address to create multiple storyworlds in literary video games: “Dear Esther”, a case study’‘
Expanding Universes: exploring transmedial and transfictional ways of world-building, Facta Ficta Research Centre, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2016 ‘“You were all the world like a beach to me” The use of second person address to create multiple storyworlds in literary video games: “Dear Esther”, a case study’‘In/Authentic Styles: Language, Discourse and Contexts’, Poetics and Linguistics Association Conference
Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Sardinia
2015 ‘Player agency doesn’t exist; Reader agency is real – the case for redesigning terms in the multiform digital narrative’
Poetics and Linguistics Association Conference
University of Kent
2014 ‘Ludonarrative Dissonance – can literary games learn from traditional literature?’
Literary Semantics: Past, Present, Future? The 6th Conference of the International Association of Literary Semantics


Walking Simulator, transmedia, digital media, literary stylistics


Heidi Colthup


I'm something of a latecomer to academia – I was a journalist, writer, and previously a school teacher. I've been in academia for just over ten years, my background here has been creative writing, particularly online writing, and then into literary studies and stylistics.