Institutional affiliation |
Otterbein University
Research interests relevant to game philosophy |
My relevant research is at the intersection between games and moral and political value, where I focus mainly on issues of race and gender.
Publications and presentations relevant to game philosophy |
“Gender in Videogames,” in eds., Jon Robson and Grant Tavinor, The Aesthetics of Videogames, Routledge, New York: NY (forthcoming).
“On Representations of Gender and Race in Videogames,” in eds., Thi Ngyen and Brock Rough, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Games, Routledge, New York: NY (forthcoming).
2017 “Videogames and Imaginative Identification,” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 75:2, pp. 181-184.
2013 “Pornography, Ethics, and the Gamer’s Dilemma,” Ethics and Information Technology, 15:1 (2013), pp. 25-34.
2011 “The Incorrigible Social Meaning of Video Game Imagery: Making Ethical Sense of Single-Player Video Games” Ethics and Information Technology, 14: 4 (2011), pp. 303-312.
2011 “Ethics and Video Games,” in Lee Brown and David Goldblatt, eds., Aesthetics: A Reader in the Philosophy of the Arts (New Jersey: Prentice Hal L, 2011), pp. 386-390.
2009 “Default Social Meaning: An Ethics of Video Game Play,” in M. Bottis ed., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry 2009, (Athens: Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2009).
2017 “Character Selection and Gender Ideology,” Videogames and Virtual Ethics, London, England
2016 “Gender Inclusivity in Videogames,” American Philosophical Association: Pacific Division, Seattle, WA
2016 “Videogames and Imaginative Identification,” Philosophy of Videogames Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT
2016 “Where Are All the Women? On Videogames, Gender, and Invisibility,” Just a Game? The Aesthetics and Ethics of Video Games, University of Kent, England
2013 “Moral Ambiguity, Interactivity, and Video Games,” American Society for Aesthetics: Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
2009 “Ethics and Video Game Imagery,” International Conference on Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry, Corfu, Greece.
Keywords |
philosophy of games, video games, ethics, aesthetics, virtue, race, gender, feminism
Background |
Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ethics, Virtue Theory, Games, Race and Gender