Tom Grimwood



United Kingdom

Institutional affiliation

University of Cumbria


Professor of Social Philosophy

Research interests relevant to game philosophy

I work in the fields of cultural hermeneutics, rhetoric and continental philosophy, and am particularly interested in the interplay between image and process in the medium of computer games – this allows insights into areas of culture which is distinctive from other media.

Publications and presentations relevant to game philosophy

Grimwood, T. and Miller, P. ‘Darkness Visible: The Motifs of ‘Heroic Insanity’ in Video Games’ Making Sense of Madness conference, Oxford, 17th-19th September 2013

Grimwood, T. (2018). ‘Procedural Monsters: Rhetoric, Commonplace and “Heroic Madness” in Video Games.’ Journal for Cultural Research, 22:3, pp.310-324.

Grimwood, T. (2021). The Shock of the Same: An Anti-Philosophy of Clichés. London: Rowman and Littlefield International


Hermeneutics, demonology, cliche, rhetoric, irony


Tom Grimwood


Philosophy, literary and cultural theory, social science