3rd Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Potsdam 2008
Ethical Reflection and Emotional Involvement in Computer Games (PCG2008)
Kirsten Pohl
Can Avatars Act? (PCG2008)
John Richard Sageng
Metacommunication and Metalepsis in Play and in Computer Games (PCG2008)
Britta Neitzel
Gameplay in the Zone of Becoming: Locating Action in the Computer Game (PCG2008)
Souvik Mukherjee
Différance at Play (PCG2008)
Yara Mitsuishi
Perception, Action and Gamespace (PCG2008)
Betty Li Meldgaard
The Rethoric of Persuasive Games (PCG2008)
Anders Sundnes Løvlie
Remarks on Digital Play Spaces (PCG2008)
Mattias Ljungström
There is No Magic Circle (PCG2008)
Michael Liebe
Landscape and Avatar (PCG2008)
Bjarke Liberiussen
A Sketch for a Model of Four Epistemological Positions Toward Computer Game Play (PCG2008)
Olli Leino
Who Made the Magic Circle? Seeking the Solvable Part of the Game-Player Problem (PCG2008)
Jesper Juul
Being in the Game (PCG2008)
Charlene I. Jennett
The Concept of War in the World of Warcraft (PCG2008)
Christian Hoffstadt
Interaction and Space in Computer Games (PCG2008)
Stephan Günzel
The Perception of Videogames: From Visual Power to Trancendental Interaction (PCG2008)
Robert Glashüttner
Pulling the Strings: A Theory of Puppetry for the Gaming Experience (PCG2008)
Eduardo H. Calvillo G
The Binary Myth (PCG2008)
Gordon Calleja
The Phenomenology of Video Games (PCG2008)
Ian Bogost
4th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Oslo 2009
Keynote lecture:
Ancient Antecedents of Computer Game Fictions: Sports, Board Games, and Children’s Make-Believe (PCG2009)
Kendall Walton
Keynote lecture:
The Disjunctive Definition of Video Games Revisited (PCG2009)
Grant Tavinor
Invited lecture:
The Word Game: The Ontology of an Undefinable Object (PCG2009)
Espen Aarseth and Gordon Calleja
Keynote lecture:
No More Homo Ludens: Designing for an Ethical Player (PCG2009)
Miguel Sicart
A Dromology of the Videogame (PCG2009)
Alex Wade
Just Like Driving – Computer Games as Actual Practice and Objects of Presentation (PCG2009)
Rikke Toft Norgaard
Computer Games, Fictional Worlds and Transmedia Storytelling: A Narratological Perspective (PCG2009)
Jan-Noel Thon
The Moral Status of Virtual Artefacts in Computer Games (PCG2009)
Edward Spence
Virtual Entities, Enviroments, Worlds and Reality (PCG2009)
Johnny Hartz Søraker
Understanding games as played: sketch for a first-person perspective for computer game analysis (PCG2009)
Olli Leino
A Network of Intentionalities: Transitional-Synthesis and Narrative in First-Person-Shooters (PCG2009)
Jeff Rush
Simulation: Games, Art and Science (PCG2009)
Sebastian Ostritsch
Work Worlds, Game Worlds and Performance Worlds in Videogames (PCG2009)
Aaron Meskin and Jon Robson
The Age of Chosen Worldviews (PCG2009)
Bjarke Liboriussen
Model and Image. Computer Game Mimesis as Make-Believe (PCG2009)
Rune Klever
The Reality of Games (PCG2009)
Rasmus Leth Jørnø
Fallout 3 and Philosophy Amidst the Ashes (PCG2009)
Sarah Grey
Dual Wielding Morality: World of Warcraft and the Ethics of “Ganking” (PCG2009)
Stacey Goguen
Morality in Computer Games – A Phenomenological Approach (PCG2009)
Gert Gooskens
The Ontology of Interactivity (PCG2009)
Jonathan Frome
Nietzsche Contra Callois: Beyond Play and Games (PCG2009)
Dan Dixon
Fiction as Play: Reassessing the Relation of of Play, Games and Fiction (PCG2009)
Sebastian Deterding
Conceptual Blending in Computer Games: Integrating Fiction and Meaning (PCG2009)
Marco Caracciolo
Is Thatgamecompany Bringing Computer Games Closer to Art with Their New Game “Flower”? (PCG2009)
Lill Eilertsen
6th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Bergen 2012
Keynote lecture:
Game Bodies (PCG2012)
Don Ihde
Keynote lecture:
In-Game: From Immersion to Incorporation (PCG2012)
Gordon Calleja
Dumb People, Smart Objects: The Sims and the Distributed Self (PCG2012)
Jeremy Tirrell
I play, therefore I am (PCG2012)
Adam Rafinski
Cybersport 2.0: Legitimization and Ethical Dimensions of Videogames (PCG2012)
Sean Naubert
A Phenomenological Account of the Playing Body in Avatar Based Action Games (PCG2012)
Paul Martin
Ethical Advocates in Dragon Age: Origins (PCG2012)
Carolyn Jong
Believe and Be Live: Entangled Experience in Halo (PCG2012)
Tom Hehir
Generic Experiences (PCG2012)
Andreas Gregersen
‘In The Game’? Embodied Subjectivity in Gaming Environments (PCG2012)
Robert Farrow & Ioanna Iacovides
Virtual Worlds and Moral Evaluation (PCG2012)
Jeffrey Dunn
Virtual Pets and the End of the World: Studying an MMOG’s Closure (PCG2012)
Mia Consalvo
Zero‐player games ‐ Exploring the distinction between Games as Artifacts and Games as Activities (PCG2012)
Staffan Björk & Jesper Juul
Paidea in Ludus: The Aesthetic and Technical Experience in Computer Game Play (PCG2012)
Dominic Arsenault
Vishnu and the Videogame: The Videogame Avatar and Hindu Philosophy (PCG2012)
Souvik Mukherjee
Adventure as Art: The Aesthetic Value of Puzzles (PCG2012)
Matti Karhulahti
Through the Image – Framing Videogame Play (PCG2012)
Gert Bruinsma
Representation by Regulated Interaction (PCG2015)
Alex Baker-Graham
7th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Bergen 2013
Keynote lecture
Antinomies of Space: Philosophy – Culture – Games (PCG2013)
Stephan Günzel
Keynote Lecture
Fictionality is Broken- Ludo-Realism and the Non-Fictionality of Game Worlds (PCG2013)
Espen Aarseth
Keynote Lecture
Gotta feel the beat! Space, Time and Rythms of Play (PCG2013)
Allison Gazzard
Defining the Videogame (PCG2013)
Veli Matti Karhulahti
The Playing Fields of Empire: Empire and Space in Videogames (PCG2013)
Souvik Mukherjee
Representation and Virtuality in Computer Games (PCG2013)
Rune Klevjer
Operational 3-D Images as Interactive Knowledge Space (PCG2013)
Daniel Riha and Jaroslav Vancat
Landscape and Gamescape in ‘Dwarf Fortress’ (PCG2013)
Paul Martin
Esthetic Experiences of Digital Gamespace (PCG2013)
Patrick Coppock
From Game Spaces to Playable Worlds (PCG2013)
Olli Leino
Second Space: Mimetic Space in Second Life (PCG2013)
Michael Bourke
GWI: The Gameworld Interface (PCG2013)
Kristine Jorgensen
Understanding Player Interpretation: An Embodied Approach (PCG2013)
Jonne Arjoranta
Reality and Structure of Virtual Space: Some Lessons from Portal (PCG2013)
Jonathan Erhardt
Boards. The Place of Space (PCG2013)
Ivan Mosca
Being and Time (Final Fantasy Edition) (PCG 2013)
Gugliemo Feis & Jacopo Tagliabue
Postphenomenological Play (PCG2013)
Emil Hammar
The Wanderer in the Wilderness (PCG2013)
Daniel Vella
Developing Fictionally Immoral Attitudes (PCG2013)
Daniel Milne
Games as Landscape (PCG2013)
Christopher Nguyen
Evil in Virtual Worlds (PCG2013)
Carl David Mildenberger
Computer Game Space as Directional Space (PCG2013)
Anita Leirfall
Special Effectivities: On the Intersection of Spatial Knowledge and Bodily Skill (PCG2013)
Ian Jones
9th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Berlin 2015
Keynote lecture:
Vx vs Rx (PCG2015)
Johnny Søraker
Keynote lecture:
Making Games, Making Sense (PCG2015)
Paolo Pedercini
World Withdrawal (PCG2015)
Mathias Fuchs
The Character of the Ludic Muse (PCG2015)
Daniel Vella
Isaac Unbound: Play as Ontology (PCG2015)
Adam Sulzdorf Liszkiewicz
Academic Game interpretation, a Defense (PCG2015)
Paul Martin
Ghosts of Present Past (PCG2015)
Justyna Janik
Three Types of Representation in Digital Games (PCG2015)
Pawel Grabarczyk
Spirit of Seriousness and Bad Faith, or, the Meaning of In-game Life (PCG2015)
Marta M. Kania
How to Approach Health Packs in the Wild: Meta-Ontological Reflections (PCG2015)
Ea Christina Willumsen and Hans-Joachim Backe
The Radical Productivity of Play (PCG2015)
Adam Nash and Thomas Kenney
Ruin Representations (PCG2015)
Emma Fraser
Seductive Play in Digital Games (PCG2015)
Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen
What is a Simulation of a Game (PCG2015)
David Myers
Black Skin White Guns (PCG2015)
Sabine Harrer and Martin Pichlmair
Marc Bonner
Computer Games as a Philosophical Medium (PCG2015)
Jere Surber
Of Certainty and Authenticity (PCG2015)
Tomasz Majkowski
Who Should I Call if No One Shows Up to Pick Up the Dead (PCG2015)
Olli Leino
Feng Zhu
Self Transformation Through Game Design (PCG2015)
Stefano Gualeni
Panel “Doing Philosophy with Game Design”
Cunt Touch This (PCG2015)
Ida Toft
A Boat for Two (PCG2015)
Sonia Fizek
Necessary Evil (PCG2015)
Stefano Gualeni
The Concept of Travel (PCG2015)
Pietro Righi Riva
Modelling Society (PCG2015)
Martin Pichlmair
10th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Malta 2016
Welcome & Opening Address (PCG2016)
Gordon Calleja, Stefano Gualeni, and Daniel Vella
Keynote lecture:
Games as the True Organon of Philosophy – On Schelling, Huizinga and Playful Ontologies (PCG2016)
Jos de Mul
Keynote lecture:
The Unreliable Philosophics of The Chinese Room (PCG2016)
Dan Pinchbeck
Keynote lecture:
Aesthetic Experience as Game Changer (PCG2016)
Katja Kwastek
Play, Effect, Reflect A Phenomenological Study of Reflective Self (PCG2016)
Josef Florian Micallef
Puzzle About The Island Multi Perspective Studies on Knowledge in The Witness (PCG2016)
Marc Bonner
Ludology is Strange Temporal Experience in Gaming and Life is Strange (PCG2016)
Darshana Jayemanne
On Playful Ignorance – The Union of Opposites in Videogame Epistemology (PCG2016)
Adam Russel
What’s Zen About Zen Modes – Prajna Knowledge versus Mindfulness in Game Design (PCG2016)
Victor Navarro Remesal
Justice and Violence The Study of Gameplay in the Infinity Engine cRPGs (POCG2016)
Mateusz Felczak
Glitched Perception On the Transparency and Visibility of the Video Game (PCG2016)
Justyna Janik
STONE + LIFE = EGG Little Alchemy as a Limit idea for Thinking about Knowledge and Discovery (PCG2016)
Olli Leino
Responsibility in Silence: Player Avatar Relations in the Virtual Face-to-Face (PCG2016)
Kasper Guldberg
Yours Truly – Playing with a Personal Narrative Identity (PCG2016)
Johnathan Harrington
Analytical Gameplay and the Politics of Cognitive Mapping (PCG2016)
Feng Zhu
Of Human and Posthuman – Videogames and the Future of the Human (PCG2016)
Leonardo Marcato
Digital Games and Philosophies of Fiction Derrida, Knowledge and the Aesthetic Illusion (PCG2016)
Gordon Calleja and Ivan Callus
Mind and Body Expanded – The Aesthetic Paradigms of Video Games (PCG2016)
Stephan Günzel
A Theoretical Framework of Ludic Knowledge A Case Study in Disruption and Cognitive Engagement (PCG2016)
Peter Howell
Understanding Single Player Computer Games as Experimental Systems (PCG2016)
Sebastian Möring
Space Bites Back Agency and Archive in Gamespace (PCG2016)
Nathan Hulsey
Do Playful Systems Know That They Play? (PCG2016)
Michael Straeubig
Non Space in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PCG2016)
Francesca Borg Taylor-East
11th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Krakow 2017
A Game Made From Other Games: Actions and Objects in Garry’s Mod (PCG2017)
Peter Nelson
Free-to-Play Games Between Good and Evil: the Case of Rewarded Video Ads (PCG2017)
Alesja Serada
(Re)Framing Computer Games within Agential Realism (PCG2017)
Anders Falk and Linus de Petris
On the Ontological Status of Musical Actions in Digital Games (PCG2017)
Costantino Oliva
On (How to Make Sense of) Virtualects (PCG2017)
Daniel Milne-Plückebaum
Action as the Basis for an Aesthetics of Ludic Subjectivity (PCG2017)
Daniel Vella
Dooley Murphy
The Subject and the Form: Inquiries Into Formal Analysis (POCG2017)
Ea Christina Willumsen
Two Ways through the Looking Glass. Game Design as an Expression of Philosophy of Action (PCG2017)
Hans-Joachim Backe
The Ontological Status of Game Ecologies (2017)
John R. Sageng
Something Something Game Something: A Visual Approach to Game Definition (PCG2017)
Johnathan Harrington
(Re)weave the Gameplay. Analysis of the Spatial Textures in Yandere Simulator (PCG2017)
Justyna Janik
Orchestrating the in-game agency. Towards the inaesthetics of the code in Doom 3 (PCG2017)
Mateusz Felczak
Michelle Westerlaken and Stefano Gualeni
Do We Need Virtual Actions and Events? An Ontological Cost-Benefit Analysis (PCG2017)
Oliver Laas
Chaos at the Europoort: Materiality, Liveness, and Performative Action in Mundane Vehicle Simulators (PCG2017)
Olli Tapio Leino
Told as True. Diegesis and Diegetic Characters in Videogames (PCG2017)
Rune Klevjer
The Moral Status of Virtual Actions (PCG2017)
Samuel Ulbricht
Are Video Games Modern? — From the Aspect of the Conception of Time (PCG2017)
Shan-Chao Fu
Processes and Idleness in Europa Universalis IV (PCG2017)
Marcin Blacha
Fictionally Flipping Tetrominoes? Defining the Fictionality of a Video Game Player’s Actions (PCG2017)
Nele Van de Mosselaer
12th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Copenhagen 2018
Keynote lecture: Video Games and the Ethics of Fantasy (PCG2018)
Christopher Bartel
Keynote lecture: Industry, Machines, Purpose – Three Themes for the Ethics of Play (PCG2018)
Miguel Sicart
Industry, Machines, Purpose – three themes for the Ethics of Play (PCG2018)
Roxanne Chartrand and Pascale Thériault
Regenerative Play and the Experience of the Sublime in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (PCG2018)
Gerald Farca, Alexander Lehner and Victor Navarro-Remesal
Principles of Procedural Hermeneutics (PCG2018)
Alexey Salin
Escape from C-D Road: On the Value of Boredom (PCG2018)
Olli Tapio Leino
The Cognitive Value of Videogames (PCG2018)
Alexandre Declos
Game/r – Play/er – Bio-Object. Exploring Posthuman Values in the Player-Game Relation (PCG2018)
Justyna Janik
Valuable Cannibals and the Concept of Power-knowledge (PCG2018)
Mateusz Felczak
Play and Ecstase: Sartre, Fink and the Existential Value (PCG2018)
Daniel Vella
Peter Nelson
Feng Zhu
The Pleasure of Turtling: Having Fun The Wrong Way (PCG2018)
Arseniy Deriglazov
From Rogue to Loot Boxes – Two Faces of Randomness in Computer Games (PCG2018)
Pawel Grabarczyk
Ethical Temporality: Refiguring Time as Political Speech in 13 Minutes and Bury Me My Love (PCG2018)
Darshana Jayemanne
Grand Theft Argument: The Problem with Paradigm Cases of Virtual Violence (PCG2018)
Rebecca Davnall
On Buddhist Frogs and Flower Arrangements: Actionability as Spatial Production in Friendship Games (PCG2018)
Johnathan Harrington
Towards a New Theory of the Concept of Gameplay (PCG2018)
Bo Kampmann Walther
Jesper Juul
Encoding monsters: ‘Ontology of the enemy’ and containment of the unknown in role-playing games (PCG2018)
Jaroslav Svelch
The Ideology of Play (PCG2018)
Gabrielle Trépanier-Jobin